Saturday, July 25, 2009

How can I use rose water on my hair....?

I have a spray bottle..can I use rose water as a hair spray or what??ideas plz

How can I use rose water on my hair....?

just spinkle on your scalp and massage

How can I use rose water on my hair....?

Yes. It is just about the smell.

How can I use rose water on my hair....?

Put it on after you shower. Don't put it on dry hair, it will mess up the style.

How can I use rose water on my hair....?

Rose water splashed on your face cools, cleans your face %26amp; eyes , but I dont know if its good for hair.

How can I use rose water on my hair....?

You can just spray it on with the spray bottle, if you like.

You can also shampoo your hair as you usually do, rinse it with plain water, squeeze the excess out, then pour a little rose water on the length of your hair.

How can I use rose water on my hair....?

Rose water is just scented water. If you don't use water currently on your hair as a hair spray I doubt it would work. I don't think it would make a good hair spray on its own - you'd have to add something to it to give you a hold. But it might make a lovely diffusing scent!

Try this recipe. But instead of using plain water, use rose water. Be sure to write your results under comments please!


Homemade Hair Spray

Chop one lemon (or an orange for dry hair).

Place in a pot with 2 cups water. Boil until half of the initial amount remains.

Cool, strain, and place in a spray bottle. Store in the refrigerator.

If it is too sticky, add more water.

Add one ounce rubbing alcohol as a preservative and then the spray can be stored for up to two weeks unrefrigerated.

Storage: Most recipes require refrigeration since they don't contain preservatives. Shelf Life is approximately 1 week.

How can I use rose water on my hair....?


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