Monday, July 27, 2009

Why don't red-heads dye their hair?

A lot of my guy friends refuse to date pale red-heads...if so many guys hate red heads then why don't they go spray tanning and dye their hair dark brown like Lindsay Lohan (her tan isn't orange anymore and her dark hair is amazing)...instead of complaining about how they don't get men?

This isn't suppose to me offensive...just a question

Why don't red-heads dye their hair?

Why should anyone have to change the way they look to get some shallow man? If they want to change, that's one thing, but changing to please someone else is just stupid.

Why don't red-heads dye their hair?

Speaking as non- natural red head, I would have to say that most guys do like read heads. Its a shame that you and your friends have to miss out because you think some beach-y blond is more attractive.

Redheads are unique, which is why they are so intriguing. Report It

Why don't red-heads dye their hair?

Some of them do. That is an individual choice.

Why don't red-heads dye their hair?

Okay, I tottaly agree with you! My friend who could be gorgoeus if she used a gradual self tanner and dyed her hair dark brown (she has gorgeous green eyes not like poop green but like fresh and light grass green omg beautiful) but boys dont like her cuz shes a red-head and they have so many problems finding men...she has a great personality but she loves her red-hair, kinda weird!!!

and i met this really pretty girl and she dyed her hair blonde (like jessica simpson blonde) and she is gorgeousuus

Why don't red-heads dye their hair?

pale and red heads are rare breeds.. if they are so unpopular.. why are so many blondes/brunettes dying their hair red with fake dye jobs trying to pass off as a natural redhead and still men are crazy over them .. ?? doesnt make sense rite

Why don't red-heads dye their hair?

well, i'm a pale (porceline ivory pale) redhead, and i don't have any trouble finding a guy to take me out or call me (actually they all like my hair-who doesn't love shiny and sleek red hair?)-plus, most redheads only have two shades of skin-white and red (sunburnt red-ouch!). and anytime i have ever-ever dyed my hair-the red comes out in little to no time at all. so that's why us pale redheads don't dye our hair and have fake tans! plus, who wants to be fake anyways???

Why don't red-heads dye their hair?

red heads rock i happend to turn into a red head and i love it.

Why don't red-heads dye their hair?

I love red heads

Why don't red-heads dye their hair?

I have curly red hair, creamy skin and green eyes. There are not many like me in my area, and, not to boast, but I've been told by too many men how attractive I am, or how their last girlfriend was a red-head, or how's that temper of yours.

Honestly, I've never, ever, in my entire 41 years on this earth, have I ever considered changing my appearance to attract SOME MAN.

All I need in life is MY acceptance and approval. By what you wrote, I'm led to think you may need some self-esteem courses. Get the help girl, because there's no feeling like the love you can have for your very own self.

No offense taken.

Why don't red-heads dye their hair?

I was born with light blonde hair, and I've had it for, well 21 years. I started dyeing it dark red/auburn and I never tan. I'm not paper white, but with blonde hair you can imagine that I don't get very dark. I had many women and men compliment me about the new color, especially when I show my ID, which is kinda like a Before and After shot.

Some people with VERY light skin do turn orange when they spray tan or self tan, so that is out. Lindsay Lohan has always had a warm skin undertone, even back in the Parent Trap days, so she is more able to pull off tanning and more earthy, warm hair colors.

What I would do is go to a decent salon with a good colorist. Even with very light skin, they can match a hair color to almost any skintone and make it look good. That's how stars do it!

If this is a friend of yours that you're writing about, why not kinda coax her onto some Virtual Makeover site, like on iVillage, and have her try on one of the other haircolors there w/ her photo?

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